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The criteria behind MET can be found in the 3 keywords

Meaningful Education Technology.’


Meaningful: use Past experience, for Present choices and decisions to prepare for Future potential.


Education: goes Beyond classroom walls, beyond subjects and should prepare students to Argue, Compromise and reach Justified conclusions.


Technology: can Substitute, Augment, Modify and Redefine lessons. It should also mirror traditional methods.


This is a teacher to teacher friendly IT induction series of lectures, workshops and discussions introducing and comparing teaching methodologies to refresh our teaching concepts, redefine our lessons and ultimately ourselves as we inspire others to innovate, create and prepare tomorrow’s generation for the real world. A meaningful use of technology to seek, share and publish knowledge, build e-portfolios, learn how to learn, how to stay healthy, how to read and write, how to argue, debate, compromise, wing it and ultimately how to make justified decisions balanced by an awareness of possible consequences.


To use or not to use technology is a personal choice but not knowing how to use it implies a lack of choice, awareness and adaptability.


The goal is for teachers to become more effective by Binning or stopping ineffective practice, to Add more value and variety to their lessons, to Change and adapt to a changing world and most of all to recognise and Keep what works.

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